


France attracts tourists from all over the world the world with its azure beaches, ski resorts of the French Alps. It is the birthplace of love and the center of European culture. fashion and culture. Washed by the Mediterranean Sea by sea, Atlantic ocean, Northern by sea, and also by the English Channel. The official language is French. The official currency is the euro. Money is better exchange in Ukraine, because here banks charge a commission for the exchange.

Valid without VISA REQUIREMENTS from June 11, 2017. You will be able to stay in the EU for a period of 90 days for 6 months. Documents: international passport (required biometric if normal, must be done in advance open a visa at the embassy; time limit valid for at least 3 months after departure dates); return ticket; supporting documents solvency (certificate from bank account status information, travel documents checks); insurance (risk coverage in the amount of 30,000 euros).

Beach season from mid-July to mid-September. During this period waters of the ocean and the Cote d'Azur they warm up to +26 degrees. Ski season in the Alps with mid-December and until the end of March. The sale season takes place twice per year. In summer from the end of July, and in winter during the Catholic Christmas period. On average, their duration is about 5 weeks.

Beach season from mid-July to mid-September. During this period waters of the ocean and the Cote d'Azur they warm up to +26 degrees. Ski season in the Alps with mid-December and until the end of March. The sale season takes place twice per year. In summer from the end of July, and in winter during the Catholic Christmas period. On average, their duration is about 5 weeks.

National cuisine:

Impossible to imagine traditional cuisine without frogs paws, to taste reminiscent of chicken, and snails that served in garlic sauce. Kok-a-vin-chicken or rooster, cooked in red wine. Fish and seafood are very popular here. seafood – oysters, shrimps, lobsters, scallops, hedgehogs- all this is served with an unusual delicious sauce.

Самым посещаемым местом во Франции является Эйфелева Башня и Собор Парижской Богоматери. Самый известный парк развлечений – Диснейленд, аттракционы на любой вкус. Елисейские поля – увидите красивейшую и престижную улицу мира, модные бутики и рестораны. Здесь же можно посетить Триумфальную Арку. Одним из самых красивых исторических мест Франции, является дворцово-парковый ансамбль Версаль.

Вино, если покрепче, то коньяк. Хорошее вино имеет зеленую этикетку на пробке и глубокое дно. Обязательно выберите на свой вкус сыр, выбор здесь огромный. В дьюти фри во Франции можно приобрести духи и косметику, тут будет немного дешевле, чем в торговых центрах. Брендовые вещи по огромным скидкам в период распродаж.



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